
Website Design Price Malaysia 2023: Understanding the Factors That Affect Cost

When it comes to building a website, one of the most important factors to consider is cost. In Malaysia, the cost of website design can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into understanding the various factors that can affect the price of website design in Malaysia. From custom vs. template-based design to the number of pages and level of complexity, we’ll explore the key elements that can impact the cost of building a website. We’ll also provide real-world examples and prices to give you a better understanding of what to expect when budgeting for your website project. The goal of this article is to empower you to make informed decisions when it comes to website design and development in Malaysia and to work with a reputable web design agency like Invibe Digital to ensure that you get a website that fits your budget and meets your business needs.

Custom vs. Template-Based Design

One of the biggest factors that can affect website design costs in Malaysia is whether you choose a custom or template-based design. Custom-designed websites are typically more expensive than template-based designs, as they require more time and resources to create. Custom designs can also be tailored to your specific needs, which can be important for certain types of businesses. Custom designs are generally recommended for businesses that have unique needs or require a specific look and feel for their website. This can include custom graphics, animations, and special features that are not available in template-based designs.

On the other hand, template-based designs are generally less expensive, as they are pre-made and can be customized to some extent. However, they may not be as unique or tailored to your business as a custom design. Template-based designs are usually recommended for businesses that are on a budget and don’t require a lot of customizations. They also tend to be faster to develop and require fewer resources. For businesses looking for a unique and tailored website design, it is recommended to opt for a custom design. A reputable web design agency like Invibe Digital can provide a professional custom design service that fits your business needs and budget.

The Number of Pages

Another important factor to consider when it comes to website design costs in Malaysia is the number of pages that you need for your website. The more pages your website has, the more time and resources will be needed to design and develop it. As such, websites with a large number of pages will typically be more expensive than those with fewer pages. This is because each page needs to be designed, developed, tested, and maintained separately. The more pages you have, the more work is required.

For example, a basic brochure website with only a few pages will cost less than a website with several pages, such as an e-commerce website with multiple categories and products. Additionally, the complexity of the pages also plays a role in determining the cost. A simple page with basic text and images will cost less than a page with interactive elements, videos, and advanced functionality. It is important to have a clear understanding of the number of pages your website needs and the complexity of each page to accurately budget for website design costs in Malaysia.

The Level of Complexity

The level of complexity of your website can also affect website design costs in Malaysia. Simple websites with a minimal number of features and functionality will typically be less expensive than more complex sites with a lot of features and functionality. For example, an e-commerce website with a lot of products and a shopping cart will be more expensive than a simple brochure website. This is because e-commerce websites require a lot more functionality, such as payment gateway integration, inventory management, and order processing. These features require a lot more work and resources to develop and maintain.

On the other hand, a simple brochure website with just a few pages and basic information about the business will be less expensive than a more complex website with multiple pages, interactive elements, and advanced functionality. The level of complexity also applies to the design aspect of the website. A simple design with a basic layout and color scheme will cost less than a complex design with custom graphics, animations, and advanced layouts.
It is important to determine the level of complexity that your website needs and to communicate this to your web design agency in order to accurately budget for website design costs in Malaysia. A reputable web design agency like Invibe Digital can help you determine the level of complexity and provide a solution that fits your budget and business needs.

Code from Scratch vs CMS Website Design

Another important factor that can affect the cost of website design in Malaysia is whether the website is built from scratch or using a Content Management System (CMS). A website that is built from scratch, also known as a “code from scratch” website, will typically be more expensive than a CMS website. This is because a code from scratch website requires more time and resources to develop. It is built from the ground up, and all the code is written specifically for that website. This can be important for certain types of businesses that require a high level of customization and unique features.
On the other hand, a CMS website is built using pre-existing templates and can be customized to some extent. This means that the development process is faster and requires fewer resources. CMS websites are usually recommended for businesses that are on a budget and don’t require a lot of customizations. They also tend to be faster to develop and require fewer resources. Common CMS platforms include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. It is important to note that the cost of building a code from scratch website will be higher than that of a CMS website, but it also offers a higher level of customization and unique features.

Hosting and Domain

Another important factor that can affect the cost of website design in Malaysia is the hosting and domain. Hosting refers to the service that allows your website to be accessible on the internet. A domain is an address that visitors use to access your website. The cost of hosting and domain can vary depending on the type and level of service you choose.

Shared hosting is the most affordable option and is suitable for small websites with low traffic. This type of hosting involves sharing a server with other websites, which helps to keep costs down. However, shared hosting can be less reliable and may not offer the same level of performance as other options.

Dedicated hosting is more expensive than shared hosting and is suitable for websites with high traffic. This type of hosting involves renting an entire server for your website, which provides more resources and better performance. However, dedicated hosting can be more expensive and may require more technical expertise to set up and manage.

Cloud hosting is a newer option that combines the best of shared and dedicated hosting. This type of hosting involves using a network of servers to host your website, which provides more resources and better performance than shared hosting. However, cloud hosting can be more expensive than shared hosting and may require more technical expertise to set up and manage.

We recommend using Hostinger as your hosting provider, as it offers reliable and affordable hosting solutions for businesses of all sizes.

When it comes to the domain, the cost can vary depending on the top-level domain (TLD) you choose, such as .com.my, .com, .my, .net, .org, etc. Some TLDs are more expensive than others, and the cost can also vary depending on the registrar you choose.
When choosing your hosting and domain options, it is important to consider your budget and the specific needs of your website. A reputable web design agency like Invibe Digital can help you choose the right hosting and domain options for your website and budget.

Additional Services

In addition to the cost of website design, there may also be additional costs for services such as website maintenance, search engine optimization (SEO), and content creation. These services are essential to keep your website running smoothly, increase visibility, and drive traffic to your website.

Website maintenance is important to ensure that your website is always running efficiently and to fix any bugs or issues that may arise. This service may include regular updates, backups, security checks, and troubleshooting. A reputable web design agency like Invibe Digital can provide website maintenance services that are tailored to your business needs and budget.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is another important service that can affect the cost of website design in Malaysia. SEO is the process of optimizing your website to improve its visibility and increase its search engine rankings. This service may include keyword research, meta tags optimization, and link building. By hiring a company that optimizes their clients’ websites for search engines, you can increase the visibility of your website and attract more visitors.

Content creation is also an important service that can affect the cost of website design in Malaysia. This service may include writing and editing of website content, creating graphics and videos, and developing a content strategy. By ensuring that your website has engaging and useful information for your visitors, you can increase the chances of converting them into customers.

In conclusion, additional services such as website maintenance, SEO and content creation are essential to keep your website running smoothly, increase visibility and drive traffic to your website.

Real-world Examples and Prices

When it comes to website design prices in Malaysia, it’s important to understand that the cost can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. To give you an idea of what you can expect to pay for different types of websites, we’ve provided a few real-world examples and prices below. Keep in mind that these are just rough estimates, and the actual cost may vary depending on your specific needs and the company you choose to work with.

Website Type
Number of Pages
Level of Complexity
Technology Used
Design Type
Price Range
Basic brochure website
RM 2,000 – RM 3,000
Basic brochure website
RM 3,500 – RM 4,500
Custom design e-commerce website
RM 6,000 – RM 8,000
Website built using React or Angular
React or Angular
RM 15,000 – RM 25,000

It’s also worth noting that the prices above do not include additional services such as website maintenance, SEO, and content creation. These services can add to the overall cost of your website, so be sure to factor them into your budget. Additionally, the cost of hosting and domain should also be considered. Hostinger is a good option for hosting and domain registration, the price can vary depending on the type of hosting and the duration of the plan.

In conclusion, the cost of website design in Malaysia can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. By understanding these factors and working with a reputable web design agency like Invibe Digital, you can ensure that you get a website that fits your budget and meets your business needs.


In conclusion, the cost of website design in Malaysia can vary greatly depending on a number of factors including the design type (custom or template-based), number of pages, level of complexity, the technology used (code from scratch or CMS), hosting and domain cost, and additional services.

By understanding these factors and working with a reputable web design agency like Invibe Digital, you can ensure that you get a website that fits your budget and meets your business needs. It is also important to note that by using Hostinger as your hosting provider, you can get a cost-effective and reliable hosting solution for your website.
In addition, the table provided earlier in the article gives a general idea of the pricing range for different types of websites based on the factors discussed. However, it is important to keep in mind that the actual cost may vary based on the specific needs of your business and the web design agency you choose. So, it is always best to get a quote from a few different agencies and compare their pricing and services before making a decision. Not sure where to start? contact us to get a free custom quotation today.

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